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Ma[r]king a Home

2017, Installation and Participatory Performance (long duration)

seeds, water, soil, sun

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In the framework of Ma[r]king a Home, the drawing of the plan in the field (garden of the ASFA*) is carried out in a scale 1: 1 and then seeds, bulbs and roots are used to form the masonry of a home. Thus, the walls of this building are made of plants, performing a unique in-situ installation. Most of the plants, which used in the installation, are edible. Moreover, all the seeds were collected and archived by the artist. Through this utopian action, the re-placement of man into an uncanny matrix/dwelling is intended; this new matrix is structured by plants in the urban environment, in order to reconsider his view towards nature.


*ASFA: Athens School of Fine Arts, Peiraios 256


  • Ma[r]king a Home: Participatory Field Works, Solo & Participatory Performance, Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens

  • Dwelling 3rd ASFA BBQ International Performance Festival,  Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens

  • Artist's Talk 3rd ASFA BBQ International Performance Festival,  Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens

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